The Wonders of GRAVOL

Day 7 of Kenya Survival Trip, Charlotte and Kathryn reporting live after a very long long long (but fun) day. First, we reluctantly woke up at 5 am, had a quick breakfast and hopped on the bus. Little did we know only 15 minutes away we would see a whole array of majestic animals. We went on a drive through the rugged wilderness for 5 hours and saw water buffalo, gazelles, giant deer, zebras and foxes. Then we hopped out of the bus to see multitudes of flamingos prancing and fluttering around the beautiful lake. Then we continued our journey on our wonderful bus with the real MVP, Patrick, our beloved bus driver. We saw some rhinos, and took a trip to the luxurious toilet hole, where we were luckily equipped with plenty of hand sanitizer. At the safari camp we stopped at, we heard whispers of lion sitings. Thanks to Patrick, we were able to successfully see the lions… cuddling! After half the bus fell asleep, we were awoken from our slumber by Allison’s cries of excitement. There in front of us were not 1…not 2….not 3…. but 11 giraffes! The giraffes were so close, yet so indifferent to our presence. After Ally finally let us move on from the giraffes, we preceded to the hotel to eat lunch, and retrieve our belongings for our treacherous journey to come. Very quickly we all fell into a deep, Gravol-induced coma. We woke up hours later in the middle of nowhere to Patrick, our hero, fixing our overheated bus. A family beside us kindly let us use their facilities to relieve ourselves. Again, we hopped back onto the bus through the beautiful scenery filled with greenery until we saw our favorite scene…. TUSKYS. We got some chocolate bars and chips to help us survive the last portion of our journey. By the time the sun had set and we all had fallen asleep again, we arrived to a fancy hotel with showers that didn’t set on fire…! We ate dinner and passed out early after our extremely physically demanding day. Goodnight, I hope you sleep like you just popped 4 Gravol πŸ™‚

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  1. Thanks for another exciting episode of the Kenyan adventure! We are loving experiencing all this vicariously through your posts. 😘


  2. Please thank Patrick, on behalf of all us Parents, for keeping our children and leaders safe on the roads. This means so much to us..


    1. Yes – Love and “hats off” to Patrick! Please get a group photo with him so we know your MVP.


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